Shanghai Herbshow Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.

High quality perennial ryegrass seeds for growing

Basic Information
High quality perennial ryegrass seeds for growing      Ryegrass as rye grass family are annuals. Stem erect, height 0.7 to 1.5 meters. Sheaths glabrous, ligule membranous near, about 1 mm; blade flat, 5 to 30 cm wide and 5 to 8 mm. Spikes terminal, close, 5 to 12 cm, width 10 mm; spikelets about 15 mm, with 2-3 florets, lower floret strong, top floret sterility, caryopsis. 
    Rye likes the cold weather. There are two kinds of winter and spring, the only species of the alpine region in spring rye, the two can be grown in warm regions. Cold and strong rye, it can tolerate low temperatures of -25 ℃, when the snow can overwinter at -37 ℃ low temperature, high temperature and wet it does not flood. Soil is not strictly required, but grows well in sandy loam, not salinity. Barren soil nutrients but plenty of rye resistant, high yield, good quality, fast regeneration. Rye regenerative ability, mowing the booting stage, regrowth is still heading strong, according to Beijing Changyang farm experiments, booting mowing, accounting for 50% of total renewable grass, and after heading mowing, grass regeneration production accounted for only 10% of the total amount of grass. Rye growth period required to reach accumulated about 2100 ~ 2500 ℃. There are differences between varieties. 
Feeding value and use of technology: 
    Rye leaves large, stem soft, nutritious, palatable, is a high-quality forage cattle, sheep, horses. According to the analysis of 70 - rye Beijing nutrients, crude protein content in the stems and leaves of the highest initial booting, with the growing process of development, gradually decreased, while crude fiber increased gradually. In terms of income for the purpose of hay, the best harvest period to the beginning of the appropriate heading, this time making hay dry matter available per acre 327 kg, 48.1 kg of crude protein. As with crude protein of the period was 100%, 78.7% post-booting, jointing stage was 20%. According to the determination of rye grain iron 100 mg / kg, 6.4 mg Cu / kg, 60.0 mg Mn / kg, 30 mg zinc / kg Thiamine 0.6 mg / kg Riboflavin 1.5 mg / kg. Trace elements are more abundant. Rye digestibility is higher. Rye grain pigs, chickens, cows, horses concentrate, rye stems cattle, sheep excellent forage. Dairy industry in recent years, the rapid development of the city, north to do a wide range of forage rye silage, with good results. 
Cultivation techniques: 
    In the North and other warmer regions, usually corn rye, sorghum, millet, soybeans made after. After the previous crop harvest, disking stubble, then organic fertilizer, plowing, repression. In late September planting, spaced 15 to 20 cm, the seeding rate of 10 to 12.5 kg / mu. 6 to 7 days after sowing, emergence, broadcast Tanabe for leakage, ground angle reseeding. In late November, winter irrigation water. Repression once again in late December, the soil after irrigation crack bridging, enabling seedling winter. In mid-March the following year, turning green, then irrigation, fertilization (15 kg ammonium sulfate per acre). In late April when jointing then fertilization, irrigation, booting in early May to early mowing use. If you receive seeds, seed maturation in late June. Modulation as silage or hay mowing in the heading. Northwest and northeast of the alpine region can only spring, usually in mid-May planting. 
Common pasture disease: 
     Grass leaf rust, stem rust grasses, grass stalk smut, bacterial leaf streak grasses, grasses brome mosaic virus disease is common pasture pests Asian locusts, ants, locusts broad subject, Chorthippus locust, Chorthippus locust, Siberian locusts, caterpillars prairie, Italian locusts, grubs, mole crickets class, lilies insects, black cutworm, cutworm, earth tigers, white side cutworms, sharp-winged locust large pads, small oatmeal thrips , wheat armyworm, jump CPI Akasu bugs, leafhoppers, millet stem flea beetle.  
Supplier Information
Shanghai Herbshow Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
[ Shanghai China ]
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