Shanghai Herbshow Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.

Lepidium meyenii seeds for growing

Basic Information
Lepidium meyenii seeds for planting :   Maca  is a cruciferous cress genus, alias beetroot or Peruvian ginseng, native to South America, the Andean highlands. Short conical fleshy root, the outer skin was purple, yellow or cream-colored, rich in carbohydrates, protein, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals, the main chemical ingredient is Maca ene (Maceaene), Maca amide (Macamide), sulfur glycosides (glucosinolates) and the like. Maca nutrient-rich, can be used as medicine, but also consumption, with enhanced immunity, recuperate quickly, eliminate fatigue and other magic, Maca ene, Maca amide is considered Maca extract has effectively promote sexual function one of the substances. With the improvement of people's awareness of health care and attention to food safety, the main raw material to Maca production of various types of health care products rapidly expanded in Europe and America, Japan and other international markets, more and more consumers.       Maca cultivation techniques are summarized as follows:
1, suitable for planting area and plot selection
Maca but likes the cold and humid climate, more hardy, strong adaptability, suitable at an altitude of 2 700 ~ 3 200 m high cold Liangshan area planted. Xiaolaowa avoid high temperatures and stagnant water, for many years not planted plots cruciferous crops as well, avoid continuous cropping.
2, nursery
2.1 seedbed selection
Select leeward, sunny, flat terrain, convenient irrigation and drainage, water table is low, deep soil, loose, nearly three years cruciferous crops not planted sandy loam or loam soil pH of 6.5 to 7.5 land cultivation is appropriate.
2.2 seedbed preparation
In March plowing sun mattress, fine soil, cleared fields and weeds and stones, before the last plowing, composting manure applicator per hectare 22.5 ~ 30t, fertilizer 1 500 kg, turn Rakes level so fertilizer evenly mixed with the soil, according to the width of 1m, length 5 ~ 8 m made of flat plot, built around the ridge above Qimian do loose soil Qimian flat. Per square meter seedbed spraying water 3 kg formalin 30 ~ 50 ml, the seal with a film 5 d, Jiemo 15 d after sowing.
2.3 Seed Treatment
Select plump, shiny seeds before sowing with 25 to 30. C warm water soaking 24 h, and then the formalin 300 times soaking 15 min sterilization, rinse with water, mixed with fine soil after sowing dry water.
2.4 sowing methods
In mid-March, the election no wind, sunny noon, before planting the seedbed pouring foot of water, until the water seepage after the sowing the seeds evenly thereon, covered 0.5 cm soil cultivation, seeding rate per hectare l5 ~ 22. 5 kg. After sowing covered with pine needles in the bed, and then barricaded the bamboo arch covered with black half-shade net, surrounded by soil compaction.
2.5 seedling management
Depending on weather conditions and soil moisture timely watering seedling germination, emergence is generally 5 ~ 10 d, 15 ~ 20 d Qimiao, seed emergence 70% to 80%, the timely removal of pine needles, and to spread a thin layer of fine soil Mifeng bed soil moisture, prevent seedling roots down dew. After the seedlings grown for 1 month, removal of shade nets, open pit hardening. Seedlings should pay attention to watering, weeding, water use decomposed manure or fertilizer diluted 10-fold, depending on the seedling growth fertilizer two or three times, and spraying decis carbendazim and pest control. If the seedbed dry, watering in the evening.
 3 field production
3.1 Grounds
Select the Previous Crops not planted cruciferous crops, sandy loam soil fertility in general, should not use the garden and high fertility plots planted. Plowing twice, once before the last plowing, quality composting manure applied per hectare 37.5 ~ 45 t, SSP 750 ~ 1 500 kg as basal fertilizer evenly spread on the surface when plowing buried in the soil, after raking press 2 m wide ditch made Yangqi be planted.
3.2 Colonization
In mid-May to early June, 7 to 10 true leaves, stages take seedlings, transplanting with soil. Preemergence ld take appropriate seedbed watering seedlings take when the shovel is inserted below the root, carefully remove the seedlings, using cable Watang transplanting, spacing of 20 cm X 20 cm, each planted a pond, planted 15 to 18 per hectare trees. When transplanting seedlings must be exposed soil surface, root of water drenched.
3.3 Fertilizer Management
Survival after planting, depending on the moisture in the sunny morning timely watering is prohibited before rain irrigation, drainage attention throughout the growing period, Qimian avoid waterlogging. According to Miao Qing fertilizer 2-3 times per hectare N, P, KZ yuan fertilizer 150-225 kg, growing 3 to 4 times Row crop cultivators, manual removal of weed.
3.4 Pest Control
Maca generally no occurrence of disease, pests are aphids per hectare with 10% imidacloprid WP 120 ~ 150g, water 450 ~ 600kg spraying.
4 Seed
Maca is self-pollinated crops, the use of plant seed, can better the performance of caste. Select the line with the breed characteristics, neat shape, smooth skin, less fibrous roots, root head shortening, pest-free species of plants as MACA, transplanted in early March tidied stay farming, spacing 10 ~ 20 cm, spaced 30 cm, compacted soil when planting, after planting the root of water drenched. Dressing 1 During the growth, flowering attention to control aphids.
In early June, when the early pod brown, timely film tile in between the lines, and pressed with stones, the election sunny afternoon, pat plants, shake off the seeds, micro sun, with good ventilation bag storage, stored in a cool dry ventilated place.
5 harvesting and processing
In late November to early December, most of the plant leaves turn yellow fade, fully swollen fleshy root, base obtuse can be harvested. After hand harvesting, removing the blade, remove dirt and fibrous roots, clean water, cut into sheets dried in the sun Serve goods, processing, packaging listed for sale.  
Supplier Information
Shanghai Herbshow Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
[ Shanghai China ]
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