Shanghai Fairy Valley Industrial Co., Ltd.

Paulownia tomentosa/paulownia elongata/paulownia kawakamii seed for growing

Basic Information
Paulownia tomentosa/paulownia elongata/paulownia kawakamii seed for growing If trees interest you, you will find Paulownia difficult to ignore. Highly prized for its easily-worked wood and its ability to establish a quick canopy, this tree with leaves as large as a meter wide is condemned as an invasive weed by some outside its native China. It has been harvested to extinction in Japan, one of its earliest habitats.   Paulownia produces millions of small fluffy seeds formerly used as packing material. Yet this enigmatic tree is difficult to propagate, seeming to prefer to establish itself in the parking lots of abandoned filling stations and other exhausted soils.   Paulownia trees are planted for sustainable timber and landscaping purposes. Once harvested, Paulownia trees will grow back very quickly from the existing stump. This avoids the need for clearing the land and replanting.   Homeowners are increasingly planting a special Paulownia tree that has more profuse blossoms. These are commonly referred to as the Royal Empress Tree. It grows very fast, providing new homes with an established looking landscape, years sooner. The added shade can also quickly reduce cooling expenses. exists as a means for Paulownia producers to find markets, and for consumers of Paulownia to find sources. In what is hoped to be the best tradition of the World-Wide Web, some of the current and projected facilities of are free, and some, to support the ongoing work, are provided for a fee designed to be an excellent marketing value for small entities with limited promotional budgets.       First: some information about our seeds:  Paulownia tree is known by many names; regardless of what you want to call it, there is no doubt about its impressive ornamental features. This beautiful tree puts on an awe inspiring show in spring. Its soft chamois velvet buds open into large violet to blue, trumpet-like blossoms which fill the air with a sweet fragrance. The flowers carried on long up curved shoots, look like large foxgloves. The huge leaves are an architectural delight: the soft, downy, large leaves appear after the flowers have opened.    Native to eastern Asia, this exotic looking, deciduous tree is surprisingly hardy and can tolerate harsh winters, to - 8*C (-14*F). Hardy throughout the British Isles, the buds of the Foxglove-like flowers are formed in the autumn and can be damaged by late frosts. They must be sheltered from hard frosts to ensure the violet blooms appear in spring.    It is a fast growing tree, usually grown as a specimen or shade tree. Growing rapidly (to 6f)t in it first year. In 3-5 years, this tree achieves what many other tree species take generations to achieve. An excellent use of this plant is the production of "stooled" specimens giving perhaps the most magnificent of all foliage dot plants. All growth is cut down to ground level each March and the resultant suckers reduced to a single shoot. The result is a strong, erect growth rising to 10 ft. and bearing huge and handsome leaves, producing a most striking effect. In very cold zones they are often grown and cut to near ground level in autumn and grown as a large-leafed shrub the following season. Very easy to germinate, seedlings grow rapidly, flowering in as little as 2-3 years under good growing conditions.   Second: Sowing  Sow September to May The seeds are very small so sow as thinly as possible to avoid crowding which leave seedlings more susceptible to damping off. Place the seeds on the surface of a tray containing well drained compost. Do not cover the seeds as light is required for germination. Stand the tray in water to soak and either cover with a plastic dome or place the tray into a plastic bag. Temperatures should ideally not exceed 30*C (85*F) during the daytime and not below 18*C (60*F) at night. Always keep the soil mixture moist (not soaked) during the germination process. The seeds will germinate in 30 – 60 days and grow rapidly when conditions are favourable.   Growing    After germination, remove the cover or bag. When seedlings are big enough to handle (about 2-3 weeks), carefully transfer to pots. Grow on until they are strong enough to plant into their permanent positions. Harden off before planting out (after the last expected frosts)   Aftercare  Pruning should be done in autumn after leaf drop. prune down to where an axillary bud can take over as the single leader. Coppicing a tree annually sacrifices the flowers but produces 3m (10ft) stems with enormous leaves up to 60cm (2ft) across.   Plant Uses  A specimen tree, shade tree, or focal point  The paulownia tree, It is a fast-growing tree that originated in China and is valued for its bug-resistant wood as well as its use in erosion control. According to Plants for a Future, the wood is "used for making boxes, clogs, furniture, and musical instruments."    3. More information about our seeds:    How to Germinate Paulownia Tree Seeds:    The seeds are easy to germinate once you know their requirements.   Step 1   Mix equal parts of the seed with potato flakes. The seeds are very small and look similar to the flakes. Adding them to the flakes dilutes them for easier sowing. The potato will also help keep them moist once you have planted them.   Step 2   Fill a shallow tray with potting soil to a depth of 1 inch and dampen. This tray must have a clear covering so that light can get through. Use a clear polyethylene film stretched over the top if you do not have a fitted cover.   Step 3   Sprinkle the diluted seeds evenly over the surface of the potting soil. Expect a 70 percent germination rate if you have good and fresh seeds. Do not want to bury the seeds since they need light to germinate.   Step 4   Water the seeds lightly. The potato flakes will absorb the moisture and keep the seeds damp until they sprout. Cover the container with the lid or film and set in a warm place with plenty of sunshine.   Step 5   Remove the lid as soon as you see green sprouts appearing. Mist the seedlings lightly and thin them out as they grow larger to provide enough space. Transplant them to a larger container when they are just about an inch high.  
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Shanghai Fairy Valley Industrial Co., Ltd.
[ Shanghai China ]
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