Nantong OK Sporting Co., Ltd.

2014 standing boxes

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          HOW TO USE A PUNCHING BAG Learning how to use a punching bag correctly is of great interest to people who study boxing, kickboxing, karate, reality based self defense and mixed martial arts. Let me point out that learning how to use a punching bag is not as easy as you think. It requires proper guidance and a bit of patience from the practitioner. "Most people take the punching bag for granted and assume it can be used without any formal training. These people are wrong and usually end up learning this the hard way!" Unfortunately, most people don't take the time to learn how use a punching bag correctly. Impatiently, they rush out to their local sporting goods store, buy a bag and begin pounding on it without a care in the world. In most cases they are punching incorrectly, developing bad habits and possibly running the risk of permanently damaging their elbows, wrists and hands. Let me be clear, everyone should know how to use a punching bag before they touch it. "Learn to be patient! Take the time to learn the proper way to use a punching bag." What is a Punching Bag? Generally, the term "Punching bag" often refers to a wide variety of training bags used in boxing and martial arts training. For the purposes of this how-to article, when I a say Punching bag I am specifically referring to the heavy bag.

The heavy bag is the single most important piece of training equipment for karate, boxing, mixed martial arts (MMA) as well as many styles of martial arts. The primary purpose of the punching bag is to develop power in all of your offensive "striking" techniques (e.g. jabs, crosses, hooks, uppercuts, elbow and knee strikes, etc).
Punching Bag is a popular universal term that may refer to a wide range of training bags used in boxing and martial arts training. Punching bags can include the heavy bag, body opponent bag (BOB), double end bag and the speed bag.
  "Everyone should know how to safely use a punching bag before they touch it!" Punching bags are generally cylindrical shaped and approximately forty inches in height. Punching bags are constructed of either top grain leather, heavy canvas or vinyl. The interior of the bag is generally filled with some type of cotton fiber or other material. Punching bags can weigh anywhere from thirty five to two hundred pounds. However, the average punching bag weighs approximately eighty-five pounds. While punching bags can generally hung from the ceiling, they can affixed to a stand. Don't confuse the punching bag with its cousin, the double end bag that is used for developing speed, timing and fighting reflexes. Such light bags are useful and do have their purpose but they don't hold a candle to the superior heavy bag. The Purpose of Using a Punching Bag The primary purpose of using a punching bag is to develop striking power. While most people use a punching bag primarily for developing punching power, it can also be used for kicking, knee strikes and a variety of other martial arts and self defense techniques. Besides developing powerful punching and striking techniques, the punching bag strengthens and conditions your bones and tendons to withstand the force of impacting with a target. Best of all, the punching bag develops aerobic fitness while simultaneously toning most of the muscles in your body including the arms, legs, stomach and back. The punching bag is also known to be a great stress reducer for those who need channel their anger or frustration in a productive manner. "When used properly, the punching bag can get your entire body into fantastic shape." Keep in mind that a quality punching bag is designed to take serious abuse and should absorb the most powerful of blows. Best of all, you can find just about every style of punching bag by simply surfing the internet. Be prepared because it can be a bit overwhelming as there are so many on the market. "The primary reason to use a punching bag is to develop power in all of your punches, kicks and strikes." Who Uses the Punching Bag Boxers Mixed martial arts (MMA) Karate practitioners Martial arts students Kick boxers Muay Thai fighters Self defense students Law enforcement students Military personnel Security & bodyguard personnel Fitness enthusiasts Therapy for children and adults How To Use a Punching Bag In order to use a punching bag correctly, you will need to understand some important concepts and principles. However, before beginning any type of punching bag workout program, always consult with your personal physician first. What follows are some important punching bag tips that will help accelerate your progress and minimize your chances of injury. Take your time when working out on the bag- if you are learning how to use a punching bag for the very first time I strongly urge you to take your time and develop the proper body mechanics of punching before tearing into the bag. It is very easy to get injured when using the punching bag. Punching bag workouts are tough and very demanding. Avoid premature exhaustion by pacing yourself during your workout. Remember, it's not a race! Enjoy the process of learning how to use a punching bag with skill and finesse. Stay balanced - Remember to maintain your balance at all times when punching the bag - never sacrifice your balance for power. Balance is simply a simply a matter of maintaining an even distribution of body weight that enables you to remain upright and steady. Keep your wrists straight - Punching bags are unforgiving on your body and will certainly test the structural integrity of you punches and blows. Please remember to keep your wrists straight when your fists hit the bag. Learn to gradually build up the force of your blows - a beginner's wrists are generally too weak to accommodate full force strikes on the punching bag. To learn more, see my how to punch article. Protect your hands when using the punching bag - Punching bags can be extremely hard on your hands and knuckles. It would be wise of you to invest in a good pair of bag gloves. Keep in mind that while bag gloves are important for protecting your hands when training, every once and awhile, use the punching bag without the gloves.  This will give you a good idea what its like to punch when street fighting. Don't tense up when striking the punching bag - When using a punching bag learn to relax and avoid unnecessarily tensing your arm and shoulder muscles.  Muscular tension will throw off the timing of your punches, retard the speed of your blows, kicks and strikes and most certainly wear you out during your heavy bag workout.  Don't push the punching bag - Unfortunately, when beginners use a punching bag, they often "push" their blows instead of snapping their punches. However, this common problem can be easily eliminated if you stick to the fundamental body mechanics of proper punching form when hitting the bag. If you'd like to learn more about proper punching form and technique, take a look at my punching audio book. Watch your punching form - Punching bags often cause fighters to "lose their form" when delivering their blows. Try to be constantly aware of your form when hitting the bag or better yet have a training partner, teacher or coach observe you when working out on the bag. Another suggestion is to video tape yourself using the punching bag. This will give you a good idea of what you are doing in your workouts. Throw combinations on the punching bag - Punching bags are fantastic for developing punching combinations or compound attacks. Avoid the tendency to just throw single punches and strikes on the bag. When using a punching bag remember to throw combination punches and strikes! Avoid the latest gimmicks - Every so often, some cleaver marketing company will come up with a trendy gimmick that can be added to your punching bag workouts. Keep your punching bag workouts plain and simple. Beginners should avoid adding hands weights, weighted bag gloves, resistance bands and elevations masks to their workouts. Hit the punching bag hard - The punching bag is not really designed for punching speed. Its all about developing a knock-out punch or what I refer to as power punching. Remember, to always follow through and aim approximately three inches past your target when hitting the punching bag. See my punching power DVD more information on power punching technique. Don't forget about the street - While most people use the punching bag for boxing, kick boxing and MMA training, don't forget that the punching bag is a fantastic tool for developing practical self defense techniques. You actually have fourteen natural body weapons that can be used in a self defense situation. When properly developed these tools have the capacity to disable, cripple and even kill a criminal adversary in a street fight. Please see my street fighting technique article for more information on this interesting subject. How to Use Punching Bag Training Methodologies In my Contemporary Fighting Arts self defense system, I have created three unique punching bag methodologies that you can use on the punching bag. Each methodology is scientifically designed to prepare students for the hard core realities of street self defense. These punching bag training methodologies include: proficiency training, conditioning training, and street training.  Here is a look at each one: Proficiency training on the punching bag.When conducted properly, proficiency training on the punching bag develops speed, power, accuracy, non-telegraphic movement, balance and general motor skill.  The training objective is to sharpen one specific punch at a time by executing it over and over again for a prescribed number of repetitions on the bag.  Each time the punch is executed with good form and at various speeds. Only advanced practitioners can execute punches with their eyes closed to develop a kinesthetic feel for the action.     Conditioning training on the punching bag. Conditioning training on the punching bag develops endurance, fluidity, rhythm, distancing, timing, speed, footwork and balance. In most cases, this type of punching bag training requires the student to deliver a variety of combinations on the punching bag for three or four minute rounds separated by thirty second breaks. Like proficiency training, this type of punching bag training can also be performed at various speeds. A good workout consists of at least five rounds on the punching bag. Street training on the punching bag. Learning how to use the punching bag is not just limited to boxers, mixed martial artists and fitness enthusiasts. As a matter of fact, you can learn how to use the punching bag for developing your self defense and street fighting skills. Essentially, street training on the punching bag is designed to prepare you for the real thing. Since most self defense situations are explosive and often lasting an average of twenty seconds, you can use the punching bag to prepare for this possible scenario.  Good luck in your punching bag training!      Company Information           Packaging & Shipping   Our Services     Why choose OK Sporting? Quality:We have strict quality control system,all the order from OK sporting has been inspected by OK sporting team.And inspection report will be sent before shipment. After-service:We supply the after-sevice team,all the problems and questions will be solved by our OK sporting after-service team. MOQ:We accept samll order and mixed order.As our customer requirement,as a dynamic team,we would like to group up with all of our customer. Experience:As a dynamic team,we just have 8 years experience in this market.So we study hard,leran more from our customer,we hope we can become one of the largest and professional supplier in China in this market. OEM:OEM accepted. Sample:Sample is avilable as customers requirement. Production time:28 working days after confirmed the order.     FAQ Small order:For the small order,we suggest customer to use alibaba ESCREW.It's safe and esay. Quality:Most of the customer are worry about the quality,we supply the production pictures when we are on production and after production. Payment:Most of the customer are worry about the payment,we cooperate with alibaba,all the payment are paid for alibaba.  After service:Most customer said when they received the products,they are badly,but can't find the buyer any more.In OK sporting,we supply the after-service.Any products from Ok Sporting has the life time.We can compensate during the life time. So buyers.why not choose OK sporting.Choose OK sporting,Choose your best supplier.              
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Nantong OK Sporting Co., Ltd.
[ Jiangsu China ]
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